Writing Good

I am not a good writer.  I can usually convey what I am trying to, but I get caught in grammar circles and my prose is clumsy.

Writing is an essential skill these days so I am trying to learn to do it better.

I won’t even try to tell you how or what to do, other than it’s important.  Instead, here are a few awesome writing blogs:

Write to Done by Leo Babuta and his list of Top 10 blogs for Writers.

Steven Pressfield

and Elizabeth Gilbert because I am delighted by her writing.

Becky Blanton awesome writer and a friend.

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  1. January 24, 2011    

    Thanks Frances,

    Nice sharing. I won’t be a good writer after subscribing that blog 🙂

    • January 24, 2011    

      You are right Kamil. It takes more than subscribing, I’ll have to work at it, too.

      Huge Kudos to you for working in a second (or third?) language. My college English professor asked me if, maybe English wasn’t my first language.

  2. January 24, 2011    

    I disagree with you, Frances.

    You are a good writer because you care. There is a real person behind your words that wants to help.

    You are a good writer because you use simple language.

    You are a good writer because you acknowledge you’re not perfect. Instead of pretending, you openly seek out the wisdom of those who have more experience.

    Steven Pressfield’s blog is indeed excellent. I’ll agree with you there.

  3. January 24, 2011    

    Thanks, Joshua. I can see an improvement as I have pledged to write most days. I am becoming better technically.

    I have resigned myself to not being able to write a beautiful piece of work. My writer friends tell me that after the blood sweat and tears, they often end up with writing that sings. It could be that I don’t go as far as I need to, because I end up with a piece that is good enough.

    • January 24, 2011    

      But you do write beautiful pieces of work. Your posts are relevant and simple to understand. Most importantly, they come from the heart. That’s what makes them really sing.

      • Frances Schagen Frances Schagen
        January 24, 2011    

        Thank you, Joshua.

        I learn from every blog I read, including yours. I love how you can write long and still engaging posts.

  4. February 16, 2011    

    I wish you good time in writing

    • February 16, 2011    

      Thanks, Abyooda. You are right. I will focus on enjoying the process rather than worrying about the outcome.