Posts in category Uncategorized

Cash Flow

Cash Flow

For some great tips about how to increase your cash flow see the most recent post on the Crystal Clarion Here’s a great way to help you understand Cash Flow. This was developed by Robert Kiosaki of Rich Dad Poor Dad fame. After he became rich, he wanted to figure out a way to help […]

Financial Statements

Financial Statements

The best way to get your financial statements is to let someone else do them for you and present you with the results. There are several important reasons why I am making that statement and only one of them has to do with the fact that this is what I do. The most important reason […]

December 2006 Prioritizing

December 2006 Prioritizing

First work on what you want to achieve. Only then can you start making choices about the best way to spend your time. For any period of time, there are plenty of things you can do. You have to choose the best ways to spend your time to get you closer to your goals. See […]

Success With Marketing Skills

Success With Marketing Skills

Marketing Best Practices All your marketing should be consistent Your marketing should talk about things that are important to your customers Your marketing should reach your customers Your marketing should include a call to action Sample Budget Breakdown: 70% to existing customers 25% targeted 5% untargeted Marketing Experts I trust: Robert Middleton Get a great […]

Success With Financial Skills

Success With Financial Skills

Financial SMARTS STATEMENTSFinancial statements give you a precise measure of how well you are doing. MEASUREMENTSSuccessful business owners focus on a couple of key figures, watching how they change over time. The specific measurements change over time and depend upon the business practices you are tracking. ASSESSThe numbers tell you if what you are doing […]

Success With Personal Skills

Success With Personal Skills

Prioritizing Tools · Why prioritize? TQ page 5 http · What are your values? Vision and Values page 7 · How will you spend your time here? Secretan page 10 · Where are you now? Benchmarking page 11 · Where are you going? Simpleology page 15 · How will you get there? […]

Success With Leadership Skills

Success With Leadership Skills

Entrepreneurial Planning Create / clarify your personal vision Create a new vision for your business that supports & aligns with your personal vision Reconcile your new vision for the business with your key business stakeholders Create & implement an action plan to move from your current business to your new vision Project Management Break the […]



This is a tough one for me. The first exhibit was my monthly project list with tasks. Each project is a different colour so we could see pretty quickly that I’m juggling 9 projects. Way too much.