Your Effortless Business

There is a myth in our time that in order to be successful in business, we have to sacrifice our lives, our health and our relationships, in the hopes that some day, we too will be Microsoft, KFC or Home Depot. Only, you know you don’t really want that. So why are you working so hard?

Your Effortless Business is one where you can bring your best to your business, your customers, your team and your community. Most business owners want to make a dent in the world, but you can’t do that if you are working all the time just to keep your business going.

You started your business because you had a gift, a hope and a vision to make people’s lives better. You are good at what you do. You know you get results and your customers are happy. Your business is doing well. But at the cost of you being able to live your best life.

Because you were sold a lie.

The MBA lie

The MBA model of business was designed in the early part of the last century as a way to break down large businesses into functional areas of management. Business was divided into marketing, operations, finance and HR. It barely works for big business – creating silos, bureaucracy and too many management layers. It definitely doesn’t work for small business.

The MBA model is the default operating system for every small business. When things get tough ‘they’ tell you to get back to the basics – marketing, operations, finance and human resources. When you do, you get better marketing, operations, finance and HR, not more and better customers, not an easier business to run, not numbers that matter and not happy, engaged employees.

The MBA model takes you away from focusing on what is most important in your business.

The most successful business owners ignore this advice and focus on people.

The Small Business Operating System

That’s what the small business operating system is. It shows you how to spend your days taking your customers and team on a journey through your business.


People are attracted to your business when they see people like them having their problem solved in the way they want.


You create a clear path that welcomes people and guides them to how they can work with you.


You main job in your business is delighting the people in your business: you, your customers and your team. If you do nothing but focus on that, your business will be effortless and wildly profitable.

The Essential 11 Algorithms

Once you put these 11 algorithms (sets of instructions) in place your business will practically run itself. They are divided into 4 fundamental areas:


Personal Plan, Strategic Plan and Financial Plan

Together these are the foundational pieces that set your direction, how you will get there and the measurement systems so you know you are on track and making progress.

Customer’s Journey

Attraction, Engagement and Delight

Delight your customers, then tell the stories of your best customers to attract the next customers. Make each piece automatic and have systems in place to make it all effortless.

Team’s Journey

Attraction, Engagement and Delight

Systems, automation, check ins and clear expectations on both sides will help you attract, manage and retain the best team. People all want the same things: autonomy, mastery and purpose. Putting these algorithms in place ensures everyone gets what they need.

Solution Delivery

Project Management and Feedback Mechanisms

You know how to delight everyone, tell their stories. You know where you are going with your business and what you want to achieve. These systems tie it all together and make sure every piece works with all the others. Here’s where you put innovation and continual improvement systems in place so that it is baked into your processes.

That’s how you build Your Effortless Business

Here is the list of projects that will get you there

Here is the Business Owners Success Club online community

Here is how you can work directly with me

Join the Meetup group for live (in Toronto) and virtual events

Hire Frances to help your small business clients