
live with passion.

Originally uploaded by It’s Holly

For instance, I am passionate about helping people make their small businesses work for them, not the other way around. I do that by providing bookkeeping services and therefore good data. This is my paid gig. I also organize events, write in this blog and read voraciously. This would be my avocation.

I am passionate and creative in all this (although, not Enron creative when it comes to the bookkeeping).

Is that art? Am I living my passion?

What does it mean to live with passion?

Does it mean you have to do everything in an over-the-top kind of way?

Does it mean being present at all times?

Does it mean doing the things that make you happy?

How much of our time should we aim to be happy? Is it realistic for us to be happy most of the time?

Is following your passion only about art?

What does art mean?

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  1. September 10, 2010    


    you’re passionate about bookkeeping. It’s the thing that drives me to the ledge when it’s not up to date.

    Have you heard of MoneyWorks, the New Zealand software for both Mac (my world) and PC?

    are you looking for more clients?

    • December 8, 2010    

      Hi Mathew, yes, here’s where I came across MoneyWorks before. It looks interesting and I’ll have a look at the trial version when I have some time over the Holidays.

  2. September 10, 2010    

    Yes, I am passionate about bookkeeping, but more, I’m passionate about how it can help small business people.

    I had a quick peek at the MoneyWorks. It’s more expensive than Quickbooks so not that appealing to me, but I will download the free trial to my office computer. Thanks for the heads up.

    Mathew, what are you passionate about?

  3. December 3, 2010    

    Excellent post, l quite agree with your conclusion. However lam having problem subscribing to your rss.