Take the Step and …

the bridge will be there.

What does that bridge look like? What will happen after we take that step?

That’s the thing, right? The bridge doesn’t always look the way we thought it would.

You can't always see the bridge until you step.

You can’t always see the bridge until you take the step.

Do you remember the scene in the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade movie? He knows he has to get across this chasm and it’s too far to jump. His map tells him the bridge is there and to trust, but he can’t see the bridge. He sticks his foot out and…

steps onto a bridge made out of the same material as the opposite rock face. That’s why he couldn’t see it.

It can be the same for us. Our bridge may be hidden in plain site. It may be different than we think it will be. And it just may be a little lower than we thought, so we experience a short time of vertigo.

They, the infamous they, say that business is risky. Maybe in some ways, but mostly business owners weigh the risks, mitigate them as much as possible, then step into the void, knowing that whatever happens, they can deal with it. It’s not risk so much as uncertainty.

And that is the crux of it right there.

We know the bridge is there, we don’t always know what it looks like.

Take some of the uncertainty out of your business with the Your Effortless Business Assessment Tool.