You are the product of the 5 people closest to you

You have the same health, the same bad and good habits and the same beliefs as the 5 people closest to you. Choose those people wisely. The research is in and this holds for your personal life.

I see the same hold for business. More than anything, you share the same beliefs with the people you talk to about your business. Beliefs lead to your thoughts which lead to your decisions which lead to your actions which lead to your outcomes. You will grow to the same level in business as the people around you. Choose those people wisely.

We can’t always choose who we spend time with, but we can make conscious decisions about some of them. Gather a couple of business owners pals and meet monthly. Join a mastermind. It’s easy to find like minded people in Meetups like the Business Owners Success Club Meetup. There are many online communities, like the Business Owners Success Club online community. Go to conferences and events in your community.

There is great value in getting out and meeting other smart, ambitious business owners at events, but the real value comes in having a group of people you meet regularly. You get to know each other and it’s easier to call each other out when needed. You keep an eye out for resources and connections for each other. You can help each other in the best ways because you know each other.

It is much easier to stay home in front of your computer, but it is important for you to get out and spend time with other business owners.

Who do you spend your business time with? Who else could you be spending your business time with?

Photo by Luke Porter on Unsplash
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