Yearly Archives for 2010

Profit or Prosperity?

Profit or Prosperity?

Pond on the Water Meadows – Winchester Originally uploaded by neilalderney123 When people say to follow your passion and the money will follow, what exactly do they mean? I have friends who are passionate about their painting and living an organic lifestyle. They may not have much money, but they have a better life than […]



happiness Originally uploaded by mlcastle Happiness has become a goal. The goal for life used to be survival and perpetuating the species. Now it’s happiness. An industry has grown up around this desire; an industry pushing us to buy and do and follow their formula to have happiness. As though happiness were a problem to […]



live with passion. Originally uploaded by It’s Holly For instance, I am passionate about helping people make their small businesses work for them, not the other way around. I do that by providing bookkeeping services and therefore good data. This is my paid gig. I also organize events, write in this blog and read voraciously. […]

Living Life

Living Life

soo-prize Originally uploaded by shannonkringen If you are spending your time pursuing your passion you are living a better life than the vast majority of people around you now. Think about that for a minute. How many people do you see living the slow death of working at work they don’t even like. While you, […]

Passion, Profit and Prosperity

Passion, Profit and Prosperity

If you follow your passion the money will follow. In some cases this is true, but in others it isn’t.  What makes the difference? People who are passionate about what they do and make a profit; put effort into making their passionate pursuit profitable.  It doesn’t mean they put less effort into their passion, merely […]

Taking Time for Nothing

Taking Time for Nothing

If you have a pet, you know they can spend an incredible amount of time doing nothing. Which makes me ask the questions, “Have we really evolved for a million years to live this lifestyle?  Is this the epitome of our civilization to date?  If we could design a perfect lifestyle, what would it look […]

Dark Side of the Lens Life Philosophy

Dark Side of the Lens Life Philosophy

This is why I follow twitter.  Simon Mainwaring posted this video.  Otherwise I would never have come across it. The video images themselves are stunning and the story tells of a great philosophy towards life.  Here are a couple of quotes that really spoke to me: “I never set out to become anything in particular […]

Delivering Happiness: a path to profi...

Delivering Happiness: a path to profits, passion and purpose

By Tony Hsieh If you have a business, are interested in happiness, or like to read well written and entertaining books, then you should read this book.  It feels like Tony is sitting in a bar with you and telling you a couple of great stories in answer to your questions. He makes it sound […]

Tell Your Story

Tell Your Story

Tell your story to yourself first.  We have all done great things.  Craft your best deeds into great tales.  Tell yourself and feel good about what you have done. Now share your story.  Tell others and let them learn and be inspired. Listen to other people’s stories.  Learn and be inspired by them.  Encourage them […]

Putting out Fires Today

Putting out Fires Today

125/365:Rooms on Fire. Originally uploaded by practicalowl As you go through your day today, notice the fires that come up screaming for your attention. After you put each one out, take a moment to think about why the situation got to that point and how to head it off next time. At the end of […]